Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Lunchtime Blog

It's just easier to go up to my hotel room and hang out during the hour long lunch break than it is to wander around downtown Columbus, looking for food. True, there is a food court next door, but right now, it's much nicer to eat leftover California Pizza Kitchen, watch CNN, and blog.

Tomorrow is my last day in Columbus. I'll have no choice but to go out to eat tomorrow. I do miss eating homecooked meals. Actually, I'm getting a pretty bad case of carb face from eating out so much. I'll be living at the gym in November...but it's hard to say no to chinese take out and pizza when those are the easiest to find options and I can use the company card. At least I'm drinking diet today. Maybe I'll eat some fruit later. But the Drury Inn also has a happy hour. I get three drinks. Three!

Went to the fancy mall out on Polaris Parkway last night. Thinking about going back tonight and picking up a few more polo shirts. I have a ton of polo shirts, but a lot of them have the company logo on them. Wearing a company shirt out and about every day is a lot like wearing a letter shirt every day...after having gone alumna. Anyway, I think I have shirt displeasure because of the one I'm sporting now...it has horizontal stripes and it's pink. It was so much cuter in theory. I may as well have a sign on my belly that says "I like beer. See?"

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