Monday, May 10, 2004

Stuck on You

The guys found some spiders while I was gone last week, so sticky traps were placed throughout the house to keep the critters at bay until the Exterminatrix (she's a well kept petite blonde) can come by and do her thing. The way these traps work is by luring the creepy crawlies with something that yells "hey you! come over here! it's warm and safe and there's probably food and cold beer and hot girls over here!" and then the trap is all "psych!" when the critters get stuck to it, where they get to struggle for days, thinking about their plight before finally collapsing dead! dead! dead! One was placed in my bathroom...turns out pant legs stick to those quite do hands, and feet, and chins. After struggling to get the sticky pants on and up (well, it did happen in the bathroom), I went to the kitchen to douse myself in vegetable oil (which dissolves the sticky-remember that, it could save your life some day) as my roommates shot me weird looks and then went back to watching tv. I survived my ordeal, my pants are in the wash...I have a raw patch on my chin where I pulled the sticky trap off my face. I suppose it's reasons like this I'm so entertaining to have around the house.

Insecurity of the Day

I think my face is HUGE. Not like "big-face girl" huge, but quite broad nevertheless.

Conclusion to My Long, Drawn-out Louisville Story

Wednesday: Facilitated a workshop on fall protection with a quite awesome Department of Labor guy out of Cincinatti. Great presentation, very good slides, entertaining and informative. I successfully gave away the door prize (Salty! Delicious! Country Ham!) then hung out in the room for a little while before going to the Louisville Slugger Museum for drinks, a tour, and a catered dinner courtesy of Orr Safety Products. Sleepy from the 4-someodd glasses of wine I had, napped until around 11 then went searching for food. All I found were drunken businessmen in the elevator, so I went back to the room and greedily ate the apple from my Tuesday evening box lunch.

Thursday: Collected tickets for the luncheon and then facilitated another workshop. Hung out in the room for a little bit and then went to the final formal dinner for the Convention. Using my two complementary beverage tickets for wine, I went into the ballroom and was given more tickets for drinks. And even after collecting those, one of our wranglers (ie-person in charge of the student facilitators) came in with a tub of Bud Lights and announced that we'd better stock up before dinner started. Sometime midway through the first keynote speaker, our table started playing a drinking game. Take a sip everytime you hear the words safety, occupational, environmental, health, or workers. After dinner, everyone went to Coyotes and I danced on the stage with my sisters in safety and the president of the safety network (presided over the entire convention). Allison met me there, where I procured her the company of a Marine using my lame Richard Pryor on Fire joke (bring me a book of matches and I'll show you sometime). I'm probably one in a handful of girls that could get guys to approach using the Richard Pryor on fire joke.

Friday: Breakfast, checked out of hotel, got a ride to Allison's apartment (THANKS JILL!) and spent the afternoon riding around the property in a golf cart, eating nachos, and sleeping on the couch. Dinner and drinks on Bardstown Road with Mr. Jeff, Krispy Kremes, and driving Carrie the Camaro through the empty streets of Louisville rounded out the day.
Left for home Saturday early afternoon and had nice drive back to my parents house. At one point, I stopped in Indiana to get a chicken sandwich and asked the lady "where am i?" wanting to know the name of the friendly little town (Coryondo) and that was good for a few laughs. Fueled up again in Santa Claus, IN and got a corndog (because they were fresh and I have a mortal weakness for corndogs) and once again outside Fairfield, IL for a bathroom break (the Farmer's Store is still open and going strong!).

In conclusion...I love conventions. The Galt House Rules. I'm going again next year.

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