Sunday, May 30, 2004

If These Goths Could Talk

It's graduation time again, which means the annual posting of the senior class photos in the Union Banner (aka "Bummer"), my soon-to-be former hometown's weekly newspaper. Pictures from three of the four (because the western-most school in the county just doesn't count)county high schools are featured in the fold out special. The kids in the Catholic school portion always look (for the most part) bright eyed and clean scrubbed. My school has this (wise) tradition of taking the pictures at school on picture day with a standard uniform of tux tops and jackets for boys and those black velvet drapes (like we wear in our composite pics...if I had known then what I know now, I would have started wearing pearls for portraits sooner) for the girls. It just looks better that way. The other school, Central, has the "roughest" looking kids in the county. Included in this years poses/looks...Central style...a guy mid-deerhunt (ie-bow pulled back, aiming, ready to shoot), several greasy people with faraway looks, an angry boy scowling at the camera ("I'm so angry to be in high school...I'm even angrier to be graduating!"), and several blonde girls with roots and low cut tops "making love to the camera."

The best one, though, by far was this Goth Girl staring at the camera with this look of contempt and frustration. I can just hear her screaming at me now "You could never understand me! I'm 3,000 years old!"

Same Video, Different Song

Watching MTV right now...the last three videos (in a row) played all had the same look/feel to them. The look of pictures pasted onto a background. Didn't catch the first band, the second was Bumblebeez81(?) and the last one Modest Mouse. Watch these videos and then tell me if you agree.

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