Friday, March 12, 2004

The Chatter Control Panel is Dim Tonight

Ah, spring break has begun. Which means the majority of the dorm dwellers, and those cool enough to leave town shut down their computers and head off into the sunset. Here I am a little under 90 minutes off work and still in my work clothes, trying to get together the ambition to the stinky, nasty apartment. Yeah...see those cans of tuna and arby bags on the counter...shamefully, I admit they are mine.

Work It

I was at a computer from 8 this morning until nearly 6, so naturally, I come home and...sit at the computer.

Rite Aid Shopping

I put the money from my refunded can of exploding shaving cream back into Rite Aid because of their courtiousness and good customer service. That place is quickly becoming one of my preferred places to obtain stuff because I can get in and out quickly and unlike Wal-Mart, I don't feel urged to purchase unnecessary items....with tonight's exception of a magazine because I'm running out of non-school stuff that isn't the internet to read and tv is lame lately. Also got a replacement can of shaving cream and some contact lens solution. Let's hope nothing I purchased explodes all over the bathroom this time.


Arby's has the best iced tea in town. It's smooth and refreshing and leaves just a hint of the most pleasant tea aftertaste. There's absolutely no bite to it and it doesn't dry out my mouth. I got a cheddar broccoli potato and a jr. roast beef for lunch. The cheddar broccoli was delicious, but the sandwich was almost more bun than anything. I ended up tossing the bun and eating the roast beef dipped in horsey sauce. Just thinking about lunch (which was oh...6 hours ago) is making me hungry again.

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