Friday, March 05, 2004

Tom Jones

This hip-cat is on Conan right now. I don't find him particularly sexy, yet I can sort of understand why ladies toss their undies at him? Tossing your undies is not for everyone. I don't think I could ever bring myself to toss mine. For staters, I get oddly territorial about mine. Also, I'm one of those people that will on occasion wake up and think that today is a "pink brief" day or a "blue with fairies" one. I have certain pairs for certain outfits. If you see me in my black suit, you know I'm wearing my black Body by Victoria undies. It's like an un-written rule or something. Anyway, I'd hate to be getting ready for a chapter meeting and realize I have to wear my black suit with teal grannies because I've tossed the correct pair at Tom Jones. Besides, since he's grown that goatee, he's not underwear-toss worthy. I wonder what happens to the underwear that accumulates on the stage. Is there a special underwear sweeper person...and if so, what does he/she do with them? Donate to charity or throw away...take home and wear? *shudder*

General Tso

Who is he and why is his chicken so darned good?

What Happened on the Bridge over the Ohio River?

So this afternoon, while driving home, I notice the Paducah river rescue trucks blazing toward the river. As I proceeded toward the river and change lanes to accomodate for the situation, traffic slows to rubberneck speed. There are police cars, an ambulance, a wreck. All I saw was a parked Lexus SUV with its emergency flashers on...and no driver. I'm assuming that he/she just jumped? That was certainly fooder for thought for the next 10-15 miles.

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