Thursday, March 04, 2004

Playing Hookey

I should be wearing pants and on my way to my 12:30 class right now...did you catch that? SHOULD! Just like I should have been out of bed, wearing pants and sitting in my 9:30 earlier this morning. I woke up oily, gross, late, and too sluggy to pull myself together to get out of bed. (So, if you're a websurfing prof and happen to be reading this, replace the word hookey with sick and the word late with sick, thanks, please drive through.) I feel rested but gooey right now and even though I'm really looking forward to departing for home in a bit, I'm not looking forward to the 3+ hour drive nor am I looking forward to having to go do battle with the library folks over a book they want me to replace...a book that is likely sitting on shelves as I type.

The Anti-Blah Plan

I am weak. Sometime last month, I gave in to not eating lots of white breads and rices and starches. I also vowed to get more protein in my diet and go work out more days than not to unleash those endorphins trapped by the yucky winter months. I WILL RISE AGAIN! I say as I cram one more do-si-do into my mouth (Girl Scout pride is going to put more junk in my trunk, I swear!). This morning as my roommate pounded on my door to be all "you missed your class," it was suggested that we become work-out buddies. I'm not going to argue, exercise is good. But this time, I"m going to NOT run 2 miles in my first week and feel like harfing, resulting in me "forgetting" to work out again for another month. But I need to do something that makes it easier to function on a mere 8 hours of sleep a night.

My Newest Addiction

I shake my fist at all of you that showed me the wonder that is Mountain Blast Powerade. This stuff has it all...vitamins, minerals, food coloring. I've been purchasing and consuming the stuff like it's going out of style. This, coupled with my new un-dying love for diet coke with lime surely can't be helping my general overall well-being.

What I bought at Wal-Mart the other Night

diet coke with lime
great value honey mustard
great value crunchy peanut butter
2 - 32 oz bottles of mountain blast powerade
1 - 6 pack of travel sized bottles mountain blast powerade
miracle whip
great value smoked turkey (fat free!)
an Allure magazine (the in-style i was reading last weekend was better!)

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