Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Adventures in Wal-Mart

Hit "Teh Wally" tonight with Nichole and Mr. Devin. I purchased a thing of White Dove Bar Soap, Neutrogena Body Lotion, and Black Radiance eyeshadow (yellow-toned white, black gold, golden olive, and awesome-sparkly mauve). Ran into a bunch of people I knew, smelled every lotion and potion on 3 different aisles, contemplated oral hygiene, and of course, had that UNCLEAN feeling when I returned home.

That UNCLEAN feeling

No, it's not an issue of feminine freshness, it's that feeling that describes how I feel whenever I leave Wal-Mart. Don't get me wrong, I like Teh Wally. It's open 24 hours a day, it has a lot of stuff, you can pretty much do whatever in there (like ride around in the carts and play with the toys)...but everytime I go there-even when I don't touch anything-my hands just feel really dry and gritty and dirty. I generally feel unclean and that disturbs me.

If I had a Manservant

Bentley Farnsworth, former manservant to P.Diddy is now popping up everywhere-videos, shows, live performances. Should I win the lotto, I'm going to hire him, umbrella and all, to do my bidding. Top 5 things Sparky would do if she had a manservant:

1. make him walk around holding an umbrella over me-rain OR shine
2. send him to Wal-Mart to run my errands, pick up my prescriptions, and help me avoid that UNCLEAN feeling
3. have him go make copies of stuff and hand-deliver documents, get the mail
4. take out the trash, because I don't particularly like doing it (I'll do better guys, I PROMISE!)
5. bring me cold beverages, preferably water (because it's better for me than soda), whenever I please. I firmly maintain this will help my efficiency and productivity because I'm in my best form when well hydrated and working, not parched and up finding something to drink

Work Update

Started on my second account today. w00t for being gainfully employed. I'm actually getting really used to getting up and putting on work clothes. Like jeans and tshirts are starting to feel weird because they aren't pantyhose, shirts with collars, and skirts/or-slacks.

Preview for Tomorrow:

Going to a mixer and a frat party. Margaritaville themes and the afterparty will feature a lodge filled with sand. Tuesday should be > *

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