Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Out of Inspiration

Somewhere between the sudden change (for the worse, might I clarify) in the weather, me being burned out on school, and an article about Kill Bill I read in RollingStone magazine, I've decided that my well of inspiration is running dry and what I need to refill the well is a muse. So consider this my formal want ad:

Wanted: Muse

Science geek/sorority girl/graduate student seeking patient and intelligent person with a quirky sense of humor and penchant for odd hours. Cannot be someone I know particularly well but strangers need not apply. Job tasks will include telling me about your life and generally inspiring me to try harder at life. Overbearing and boring people need not apply nor should people who scare. Preference given to those with expertise in a field because that makes for a more interesting muse. Benefits: dental plan (I give you a toothbrush), health plan (I dispense bandaids as needed), homecooked treats (because I don't know how else to show love than with food), social activities, and the occasional (or more often, depending on cuteness/adorable factor of muse) sparky hug. Apply for this position by commenting on this thread.

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