Sunday, April 25, 2004

High Fidelity

Watching it on Comedy Central right now. I've never seen the entire movie, but thus far, I'm digging it. So, in the spirit of this film, here's my top five list of favorite films with John Cusack:

1. Better off Dead
2. Gross Pointe Blank
3. Serendipity
4. The Grifters
5. Fat Man and Little Boy

Interactive Blogging Activity: discuss your favorites in the comments section.

Stink Sink

The kitchen sink smells. Pouring bleach down it or any other sort of remediative action yields no permanent results. It'll get a good dousing of bleach later, but for now, the only option would be "move." A reinactment: Devin: what are we going to do about the sink, it smells bad. Me: Um...move?

The Last Week of School

Due to upcoming adventures, this week shall be my last week of school. :w00t: Especially a good thing, seeing as how I burned out on school somewhere around the 22nd of March. Every week since then has been an uphill battle against apathy and the want to just sit around in my underwear and watch tv and play video games for the better part of a week. I don't mind. Work > school at this point. I'm looking forward to just working this homework, no papers on toxic anything that requires a grade.

Formal, v2.0

Last night was the 2004 edition of the Black Diamond Formal. Striving to be more low-key this year, I wore a recycled dress, did my own hair, and spent minimal money and time worrying about the evening. I had a good date (defined as one that looked nice, socialized readily with the other males in attendence, gave me a few dances, and was ready with the camera), enjoyed a great pre-dance dinner (prime rib > *), and just generally hung with all the people I know and love.

Preparation for formal included a long nap on the couch, eating whole wheat crackers, 80s music, and an ice cold shower (big surprise there-not having have warm water...and to think I used to complain because it wasn't hot).

This year I danced more, drank more (especially since the bartender put like 3 shots into every drink-but it didn't really make much difference to me) and took more pictures. It was good times.

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