Thursday, April 08, 2004

Truck Hat Hipster

Liquid Generation says: "You're a hipster and you don't even know it. Your John Deere hat is perfectly faded, and you're studying Buddhism even though you care more about your Diesel jeans than inner peace. Your belt buckles arew awesome and so are your black jelly bracelets."

*sigh* I love late night quizzes and tests..especially when I've been sleepy for hours now.

When I was younger, it was my mission to be the "hippest" thing ever. I didn't want to be "cool" or "popular" or "trendy." My thrill in life was being a tried and true hipster and I think I did a pretty good job of it. For a summer, I tooled around in my big, white Crown Victoria listening to my Cake tapes and progressive 1970s music. I ate a lot of cheeseburgers (because hip people eat cheeseburgers...the rationale behind this still escapes me) and wore tshirts advertising local internet startups. I hung with the older people at the local junior college while taking classes and would frequently go to the video store and request random independent films, which I had no hope of ever finding unless I ventured into St. Louis. I once tried to write a script about 3 businessmen stuck in a hotel, trying to make a business deal. In my mind, it would have featured some hip and now actor, Steve Buscemi, and Arnold Swarzenegger because I thought that would be quirky. Turns out a few years later, I saw that exact film on HBO2 (when I realized my social life was beyond repair, I upgraded my cable package). That interpretation featured Kevin Spacey, Danny DeVito, and that guy from the shortlived Fox series Fastlane...and it sucked...hard. I was so hip it hurt.

So, here I am, 7 years later...I think I'm pretty hip. I watch anime and adult cartoons (not THOSE kinds though, mind you) and take a bunch of pictures...but I never get them developed. That's hip, right? I drink mostly tapwater because bottled water is fashionable, but it's not daring, therefore not hip. I wear quirky shoes, like pink Adidas Superstars and Turquoise Ballet Flats. I've given up on ever finding a copy of Living in Oblivion at the local video store...the one in my hometown, anyway. I hang with the cool and quasi-edgy crowd. That movie about the businessmen in the hotel'll always suck and I'm glad I didn't write it. Besides, I would have never been able to get Arnold Swarzenegger anyway.

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