Sunday, April 18, 2004

Other Weekend Observations

Work Friday was interesting. All in one day, we were waiting on word of a mishap at a client facility, the computers flipped out and dropped a spoon on us, and I finished two cost projections for projects. I learned how to make contacts with labs and obtain bids from them. I also learned that not only is work awesome about getting lunch for everyone for special occasions/busy days, but if life has been rough, work will buy me a Guiness as well. Thus, Friday evening went a little like this: work ended, drinks with coworkers at The Apple, home to change, to the Curris Center for the film festival...I was asked if I had been drinking and had to say "Well I did have Guiness for dinner." Went to The Log with Deezil afterward to get a grilled cheese sandwich. (On a side note, I've been obsessed with grilled cheese sandwiches lately. It's pretty much all I want to eat, but I don't make them at home because mine just aren't as good and...the bread was green.) After log, we got Frosties from Wendy's for dessert (thanks for the frosty!) and I went home and ate my Frosty and watched Ninja Scroll which was pretty cool...aside from the whole demon molesting the ninja princess. That was weird, yet, I couldn't turn away...which I guess is my way of saying that if hentai ever happens to be on...I may or may not bother to change the channel/skip to the next chapter. *pyong*

Saturday I discovered that it is possible to eat too many McDonald's cheesburgers (my other obsession of late)...but oddly enough, the first one sat in the bottom of my stomach like a rock. The second one made me feel awesome...or maybe it was the girly-beers I drank with them. I also found out that amaretto sours are really good they make me giggle like an idiot. Seriously, I even wanted to punch myself in the face after the laughing in the floor bit.

New Roommate

The 1101 will be getting a new arrival soon and that will rock because it's someone we all know and like and not some random dude off the street. On a side note considering that situation and the story that goes with it, Murray Place has classified me as a male. Feel free to shout WTF here. Seriously people, just run away when you see the fliers. Rip 'em down, tear 'em up, go screaming for the hills.

Research Paper Progress Update

Will be typing like a crazed monkey to get everything for my cadmium paper finished by Wednesday. Word of wisdom: never pick a topic because there is a lot of information from which to choose. You'll get information overload and want to flip out and just not write the paper.

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