Sunday, April 04, 2004

On the mend

Last week sucked. As if having major tests Monday night AND Tuesday morning weren't enough to start the week off right, I fell ill on Tuesday, which prevented me from participating in Alpha Sigma Phi's annual Spring Fling festivities. So instead of frolicking and partying and having a spirited time, I got to stay in bed and watch the room spin and babies walk across the ceiling. I got to experience a stomach bug of such a nasty degree that I (a person who HATES hospitals) actually thought it'd be a good thing if I went to the hospital for an iv and drugs. I now know first hand what it is like to be so dehydrated that I have experienced a tear-lesscry-fest. So on Thursday, I finally broke down and ventured over to Health Services to get examined. Ninety minutes, stomach palpultations, blood tests, and one mention of the word "appendicitis" later, I walked out with two prescriptions, some advice, and one sore finger.

Aside: that device they use to prick the finger to get blood for tests

You know what I'm referring to? It looks like a little stamper, but instead of a little rubber star or heart or other cute shape, it has metal teeth of doom on them! And the lady cleans your finger and presses it against the side and it feels like they're coring your finger like an apple! I want to find whoever invented that device and poke them with a sharp, sharp stick. In an ideal world it'd be like that episode of the Family Guy where Peter and Co. are in prison and 'ol Stabby McGee (or whatever his name) was on his way to stab everyone in jail for burning down the Drunken Clam...and he finds that they're gone and ponders what it'd like to be stabbed so he stabs himself. "Ow! That hurts! I deserve to be in prison!" Well, I'm sure that if the person who invented the finger sticker were to have his own device used on him that he'd think himself a jerk for inventing it. My finger was sore for 2 days!

Doctor Mom

Mom and Dad came down Thursday afternoon to help mend me back to health because 1) they're awesome and 2) they needed a vacation from Illinois (understandable). After showing Mom the list of instructions the nurse at health services gave me (nothing but broth and juice for 24 hours), she took me to Martha's for a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of veggie soup. I stayed with them at the Holiday Inn Thursday evening and slept...a lot. Spent Friday hanging around with my family and getting some much needed rest. By Friday evening, I was ready to venture out and I've been doing pretty well since. A lot of people have stopped me to tell me that they're glad to see me up and doing better...and that I'm really pale. Oh, and the flavor of jello served at Martha's is red.

Daylight Saving Time

Hey folks! This is a friendly reminder to "spring forward" and set your clocks forward an hour...actually, you should have done this last night.

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