Sunday, April 18, 2004

The Fifth Annual MIFA Film Festival: A Review and Whatnot

This event gets the ever-important Sparky Seal of Approval. To put that in persepctive, a brief this of other things that have been seal-of-approval-worthy: Ski soda, Disney World, graduating from college (undergrad), Mom's pecan pie, several certain trips to the log/lan parties/house parties, and really awesome spring days (like today), and the last beer and board game night at the 1101.

... and on requests of some of my readers, Allison and Hodes rock too (you're welcome)

As for the festival...I laughed, I cried (not really, but you can't have the laugh without the cry), I made fun, I enjoyed. Two thumbs up. I know I'm biased (having witnessed the creation process and all), but Mne(u)monic Devices was my favorite film of the evening. It had guns, robots, and fart jokes-what more could a girl want? It was consistently funny and it made fun of itself in places, which is great because I don't like when a film tries to take itself too seriously (did that even make sense? you get the general idea, right?) I think I had an even greater appreciation for this film knowing how much went into it. While one can get an idea by knowing that it took many thousand still pictures and 3 months of social life, you can't really understand it without having witnessed the long nights required, the detail in making the figures, or perpetual fear of knocking something over when walking through the set. Simply put, between the effort that went into this and the final product itself...Mneumonic Devices blew my skirt up. Bonus points for references to viewmasters, geeks and porn, star trek, last but not least, Dr. Noodles Wantanabe.

Nougat was also really good. The opening sequence for it was really cool and it had the feel of an 80s teen romp. It was funny and true. Watching this film was a worthwhile way of spending 20 minutes. I actually wish it had been a little longer because I want to know who Eric ended up calling. Personally, I was rooting for the first girl.

Professor Hobo Shorts: The whole thing about the newspapers being stolen was so much funnier having known it was based on a true story (BAD ADMINISTRATION! BAD!). Looking for all the inside jokes and references was a lot of fun and overall, both of them were really funny. Still wanting to know what "23 man, 23 man is all about." The little kid telling the basketball player how to check for cancer was great-especially since kids that age still pull that one. "If your hand is bigger than your face..."

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