Saturday, February 07, 2004

Beer and Board Games

Tonight > *. Assorted "beverages" with my roomies and the petersons == good times. Started with some trivial persuit and 80s music, changed to some twister, ended in Gibson's room watching videos on the computer. Good times. Couldn't have asked for a cooler group of people or more awesome roommates. Oh, and domino's dots are good too. Next outing...thinking that one will be "Drinks and Duckhunt." Still wondering what the guys were talking about during the guy-talk portion of the evening. News for the fellows though-Shaina and I girl-talked...and I'll never tell what was said.


I may "be from" there soon. Will post updates as pertinent.

All the Things I Never Said

I have a five minute monologue in my head that I've been working on for the past several weeks, but I'll never have the balls to just recite it. It'd take far more liquor and inhibition to get me to just let loose with it, but oh, it's good. I will some day and it'll just be amazing and weird and strange. What good things in life aren't strange. It'll be one of those things that I wish I had never just busted out with, but 10 years from then, I'll be glad I did. I'm thinking it'll end something like "if you're ever in Las Vegas..." and I'll make up the rest as I go along. But that right there...that's the money phrase.

The Toxicology Cha-Cha

Methanol, when consumed, attacks the retinal nerve in the eye, rendering the person that consumed it blind. There is, however, an antidote. Simply administer ethanol to the person who has consumed the methanol to counteract the poisonous effects. Where to obtain this? In the liquor cabinet! For those un-schooled in the coolness of organic chemistry, ethanol is consumption-grade alcohol. If you get the person drunk enough, their eyesight will be saved.

Take That Paypal!

Finally added money to my paypal account. Hopefully by tomorrow, I will have become brave enough to bid on my first item. Looks like if I actually bid on it, I may get it. I'm a bit scared to beacuse it's such a good deal, I'm curious as to why no one else had bid on it.

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