Saturday, February 14, 2004

Non-eventful Week

The week in a nutshell:
Studied, studied, difficulty sleeping, woke up so tired I was having chest painstest, chicken, study, meetings/workshops, studying, class, test, South Park and Chapelle (What'd the 5 fingers say to the face? *SLAP*!), sleep, wally, tshirts, sleep, sleep, lunch with TCC, haircut, sleep, study, bees...


Just thinking of this phrase makes me want to eject liquid out my nose.


I spent entirely way too much time and money at Applebees. I'm seriously thinking stock in that place would be a good idea at this point. Ate both my meals there today. (Which makes me wonder if there is such a thing as an Applebees meal plan and if I can get one.) Started the morning with blackened chicken salads with Barrie, our Traveling Chapter Consultant. Barrie is so awesome and cool-will say the same thing I said last time she came to our chapter, "I want to be like Barrie when I grow up." Went back there this evening for a late evening with teh boy and some friends. Started out thinking it'd just be Devin, Jen, James, and myself. Then they brought Hodes, which was cool 'cause he rocks. Then Belcher and Kitty showed up, so we annexed the corner 3/4 circle booth. I ate until I hurt, but after a week of living off cans of tuna, tacos, and pizza, it was nice to just sit down and eat a real meal with courses (chicken wings, salad, blondie dessert). I will sleep good tonight, but shouldn't make a practice of eating like that-especially so late at night because I will literally burst and that would suck.

Greg Dirrty...

...coming soon to an internet near you.

Alternate Lyrics to Who Needs Sleep

A late snack
A bunk whack
I'm so tired
I think I'm gonna have a heart attack

Watch the documentary Barenaked in America and this will make more sense

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