Sunday, February 01, 2004

Chinese Way of Saying "I hope your year sucks!" ???

"May you live in interesting times" ... interesting times-the Chinese used to say this about uncertain futures and perhaps times of turmoil, if I remember this high school lesson completely. Uncertain future-yes. Time of turmoil, hopefully not. Interesting, indeed.

I just fired myself, so spare yourself the trouble. Yada yada yada, I went ahead and renamed this blog. For my readers out there (all two of you), enjoy.

The Weird Girl

Am I on the verge of making an ass of myself on a daily basis? Why this sudden outburt of 'odd' behavior. It's like junior high and I'm a weenie. If all of this sounds cryptic...see aforementioned statement (weenie). I can't even vacuum the house without singing and mumbling to myself. Heck, I'm even annoying myself. I'll get over it someday.

It Itches!

Dry weather wrecking havoc on the skin. Have been scratching which provide me relief and those around me entertainment.

Call Me The Dude

Big Lebowski owns my face! Funny story about that movie: Flashback, junior year of high school, March 6, 1998 (I have this freakish ability to remember most dates EXACTLY)... loaded my friends into ye ole Crown Victoria to go see The Big Lebowski in Fairview Heights. Most teenage girls would want to kick my arse for taking them to see a movie about a soiled rug and people who bowl, but Tara and Kristen understood my Steve Buscemi obsession ('cause he's Mr. PINK, yo!) and humored me. After eating dinner at Joe's Crabshack, headed to the theater, only to find it was SOLD OUT. Instead, we went to the multi-story parking garage at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Belleville and recreated the spitting scene from Titanic from the top level. All was fine and well until this rent-a-cop with man-boobs and a bad attitude came up to us and threatened us with arrest. Pointless story short, never got to see the movie in a theater, nearly got arrested, have lame story to tell 6 years later. The end.

Oh, and we watched that movie last night. That was fun times too. :w00t:

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